Tuesday, July 29, 2008

6 Reasons Everyone Should Have A Blog

We have a peach tree in our back yard and it has it's own special, unique story. My wife ordered in through the mail. I had never heard of a "mail order tree". When it arrived it looked like a stick, I mean just a stick there is no other way to describe it, it was just a stick. So we stuck it in the ground and for several years it was just what we ordered, a stick and nothing more. Then one year it produced some green leaves and the next year it began to grow, finally it got to be nearly ten feet tall. Then an awful thing happened, wind caused it to split right down the middle, all the way to the ground. That same day my son in-law and I tied it together with a nylon rope and I screwed a bolt through it in hopes that it might live and live it did. It lived to produce peaches. Albeit the squirrels ate them or the bugs got them but nevertheless we had peaches.
So what does that have to do with blogging?
When you start out writing your blog and entering post day after day it kinda feels like that stick looked. It's just a note or letter you write to yourself and it appears that no one knows or cares. But keep after it, in the long run it'll be worth the time.
I have determined that there are at least 6 reasons everyone should create and maintain a blog.
1. It's a great way to communicate to people without them responding the minute you say what's on your mind. You don't have to eat yours words so quickly.
2. If you have a message that needs to get out, you could have the largest audience possible. I means we're talking www, you know the World Wide Web.
3. It's great therapy. Too many people hold in or stuff what they ought to be telling someone. So it's pretty cheap counseling.
4. It's a great way to practice your writing skills. If you fancy yourself a story teller, this is the place to do it.
5. It's like your very own diary, public diary that is. It becomes a window into your mind and soul. People get to see you for who you really are (if you're honest that is).
6. It's cheaper than real mail. Setting up a blog is free.
There a ton of other reasons for creating your own blog and I highly recommend blogging to everyone. You probably won't get famous and you probably won't make a lot of money, but you'll have the time of your life. But who knows someone might see your writing and want to hire you to write for them.
Just like that little stick we put in the ground that grew into a pretty good looking peach tree so might your daily rambling on become a thing of lasting value.
Everyone should try it.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Praying Place

Holy Grounds Cafe is a place with a reputation, or at least one person thinks so.
I'm not sure who that one person is but they did us a great favor the other day. Let me tell you what happened:

Holy grounds had what I like to call two couples of "Frequent Flyer's" enjoying their morning coffee and usual fellowship. Today they brought a friend. Things seemed to be normal. Well except for the editor of the state denomination paper who came in to interview me which was way beyond normal but very exciting.

Anyway, then it happened:

In came a black lady in her early fifties and point blank asked, "Is this the praying place?"

Stupid me, I responded, "Excuse me?"

"I have a friend" she said, "who told me there is a place in the mall where they'll pray for you, so am I early?" "Do you have a group that meets and prays over people?"

"No, it's just me", I said.

"Well, I need prayer" she said as we sat down and she began to unload all the baggage from her troubled soul. Her problems where many and very complicated. As she rattled off a series of problems and difficulities, I almost got lost in just setting there realizing that God had directed this lady to me, so I could pray for her. I tried to introduce her to the Master in a personal way, telling her of God's love. But that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted me to "pray for her".

I prayed, she cried, she left, asking "May I come back again for more prayer?"

Of-course you know how I answered don't you?

Simply being available to do God's will has got to be the most exciting thing I have ever done, but then again it seems like something happens every day that tops what happened the day before.

I totally agree with the song that says, "everyday with jesus is sweeter than the day before."

Monday, June 30, 2008

Some Things Are "Free"

I grew up in an time when the favorite statement of many people was, "There's nothing free". I actually thought that was the truth for a long time..... Then I came across the concept of "Love". Love is difficult to understand if you're an adult and lived long enough to really experience it, but for a kid love can really be confusing. Kids don't understand what love is and throw in there the idea of "tough love" and you can really mess up a kids thinking.

I wonder why it's so much easier to understand hate?

Anyway back to the nothing is free idea. Love, real love is free. Real love is unconditional and comes our way even when we are unlovely.

At the Holy Grounds Cafe we don't charge for our coffee, pop, bottled water, pastries and so on. People have walked away from our door because they just couldn't believe that things were "free" they are always waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop and to find out what the catch will be.

There is a scripture that tells about Christ standing at the "Door" of our heart knocking. So many people just walk away never answering the door afraid of what it will cost them if they respond. How sad.

I've learned a lot since those early days. There really are some things that are free.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Target Practice

There really is a place called "Holy Grounds Cafe" located in Topeka KS. It's a great place for target practice. Monday through Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm people walk by, getting their daily exercise. Little do they know they are also targets.

I have started setting my sights on them. For most of them I have less than 6 to 7 seconds to get off a shot. Some are slower and some even stop and are caught in my proverbial cross hairs. I have even tried setting up some interesting little distractions made to look like cartoon drawings that some unsuspecting walkers actually stop, read and allow me to spend time focusing on them in a more specific way.

Now don't go calling 911 and reporting some nut out at the mall.

You see what I'm doing is praying for people. I don't know their names, where they come from, what they do with the rest of their life or if they even have a life outside of walking in the mall.

I'm not sure who's getting the most benefit out of this practice of "Prayer Target Practice" me of the ones my prayers are aimed at. But I know one thing for sure, my prayers never miss their target and I never run out of ammo.

Do you have a creative way that you pray for people? Click on "comments" below and tell me about it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


You can't imagine how many years I have waited to "Rest In The Lord". I have done all kinds of things attempting to ease my nerves but only one thing works for me. Simply reading Gods Word.

Lately I've taken the time to just sit down and read from the Bible. Sometimes it's in regard to preparation for an upcoming sermon, sometimes it's trying to study while looking for some great answer from God, but most of the time it's just a way of saying "hello to God".

The more I read at one setting the more peaceful I get. It's like crawling up in the lap of God himself. I love it.

When I find myself facing troubles that I just can't seem to get control of, I go to the book, not just any book, but "THE book" the Bible. The greatest resource ever provided for mankind. I have spent a ton of money on lots of books but it's only the Bible that really provides help.

If you want to spend some money wisely? But a bible.

Monday, June 9, 2008


No this is not one of my usual typo's, I really did mean to spell it "yeahbutt" It is a take off of the words "Yeah But". It is one of the most common used word, words, or phrases in the language of almost every nation known to man. Some people call them excuse words. It's another way for people like me to not stay focused on what needs to be done.

You see every time I realize what I need to do, I come back with this "yeahbutt" excuse. One that I probably used more than any other, was really just some lame excuse about being afraid. Now fear is something that many of us live with. I can show you a picture of me in a football helmet with face mask waiting in line to be pounded on. This was during Marine Corps boot camp back in 1966. I remember saying to the Drill Instructor who had just announced that I was going to be second in line, "Yeah But Drill Instructor Sir...". He quickly jumped back in my face and barked, "Ill yeah but you, now get in there." for the rest of the week he called me "Yeahbutt Martin". I wasn't to thrilled with that name, especially since it pretty much stuck with me the rest of my fourteen weeks of boot camp.

Here I am years later, all grown up with years of experience behind me and I'm still a "yeahbutt". When God gives me directions and I don't want to do what I'm supposed to do, I catch myself saying, "Yeah but God. I'm afraid", or 'Yeah but God, I can't do that", or "Yeah but God, what if...?" My main problem is pretty simple, I'm not trusting God to come through for me. I'm not trusting God to hold me up when I'm about to fall, or for that matter pick me up when I actually do fall. I afraid of falling period.

I have discovered that there is a way to graduate out of "yeahbuttism". Begin to spend as much time as possible with God in just reading his word. Not necessarily studying, just meditating on the greatness of almighty God. Learning to fall in love with just being in His presence.
It really works, you should try it.......Don't let the devil turn into a "yeahbutt"

Thursday, May 29, 2008


Did you ever figure up what you spent just on things like Coffee, bottled water, pop, individual bags of chips? Try it some time it's pretty frightening.

Every day at the "Holy Grounds Cafe" I watch people doing their morning walk. Some of the painful expressions on their faces are due to the exercise but more than often these folks carry with them a lot of emotional baggage. My little coffe shop in the mall is a place for them to unload that baggage. A place where they can, if only from a brief moment feel the releif of being free of all the stuff that burdens them.

You see at the "Holy Grounds Cafe" we not only provide coffee, bottled water, pop and a snack but we also ask if we can pray with you. Most everyone welcomes our invitation. Our prayers are short and to the point. We don't use prayer as a time to capture them and preach. We use prayer as a simple communication with the only one who can really meet peoples needs.

If you ever find yourself in Topeka KS. go out to the White Lakes Mall at 37th & S. Topeka and on the east side of the complex you'll find a sign that says "Family Dispatch Church" and another signs that says C-1's Office. That's where we are located. come on in and enjoy the soft music and refreshment. If you don't mind we'll even pray with you.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Create Your Own Niche in the Middle of God's Calling

This blog has a pretty long title but it won't take long to describe what I mean. I have always been a person who believes in two things. (1). God has a calling or something specific that He wants you to do and you'll never be completely happy until you learn what it is and begin to do it. (2). Based upon your talents, gifts and abilities there is something that you can do as well or better than anyone else.

You must begin with trying to understand what God desires you to do. Watch and listen to see what He is already up to in your life and join Him in what He is doing. It's a lot easier than trying to do what "you" want to do and ask Him to join you. After all life isn't about you, it's all about God and His will for your life.

Once you discover what God is calling you to do, you then begin to look around you and see where you can best do it. If you are like me you may have to adopt an attitude that says, "If nobody loves you create the demand". Become what you believe other people really need but just don't realize they need it. If you remember the fence painting story in Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer you'll probably get the idea. Make what you do so exciting that others will want to get in on it.

I love doing what I do because I know it's God's will for my life and it's my niche. It's where I belong. It's a place for me to do what God wants me to do.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Being Creative

Some of the most fun times in my life have been those times when the creative side of me came out. I actually don't know where it come from other than to say that God must have placed within someting that I haven't been aware.

The funny thing is, most people who see my art work aren't all that impressed either.

But you know what? It's good theropy for me, not that I need it, well maybe I do but for whatever reason I enjoy just letting something happen with the paint.

If you don't have some kind of creative outlet find one it feels really good.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

"So What's the Catch?"

I have discovered something interesting, people are fearful of anything that is "Free".

I have a little coffee shop. I call it the "Holy Grounds Cafe" and it's in a mall where a lot of people come to walk everyday. I have a sign on the door that stands wide open. The sign says "FREE COFFEE, BOTTLED WATER, POP and HONEY BUNS". People nearly break their necks trying to read the sign and walk by at the same time. I hear them talking and say to one another,, "Free? I wonder what the catch is?" If they dare to come and check us out they will discover that the only catch is that they have to serve themselves.

People also have problems with their relationship with Jesus. They just can't imagine that they don't have to do something to pay for eternal life. the idea that someone else paid the price for their sins just doesn't seem to register. Americans live in a culture that is so caught up in making the almighty dollar that to get something for free just don't seem right.

I'm convinced that what Jesus did when he died for our sins indeed wasn't "right" but He did it anyway for me. And he did it for you as well.

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Now I've been a minister for 39 years and I have heard a lot about "Vision". I've preached and talked even more about vision that I have heard. I have always gone with the idea that vision is all about the "church". You've probably read or at least heard the verse Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision the people perish". This was the verse that I hung so much of my belief on.

They say you are never to old to learn and I guess I'm living proof of it. Is it possible that this verse could also mean that when the individual has no vision he is doomed?

Now before you write me off as a some off the wall preacher dude read on.

As I see it, it's the church's job to give a vision to those who attend. The church is good about asking people to come "just as they are" but once they do it's then the churches responsibility to show them that God has a plan for them that goes beyond where they presently are.

The church is to see people through the eyes of God and see them not for what they "are" but for what "they can become". By doing this they will give them a vision of themselves that they have never seen.

So maybe the verse about people perishing if they have no vision is directed more to the individual than the church. I believe it's saying to the church that part of your job is to give people a vision of what God sees in them.

Of course the greatest vision that God has for any of us is that of being in His family. It's all about us coming from where we are to where God wants us to be. It's about us coming into a community (the church) and being directed into a personal relationship with Almighy God.

Todays question is: "What is your concept of "Vision" and how does it come into play with the church?

Click on "comments" below and tell me what you think?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I have been reading a book entitled "Risking Church" sub title: creating a place where your heart fels at home. I really like what I'm reading but it brings up some questions that I want to discuss. So for a couple of days I want to see what your opinion is.

Todays question is: What do you think of when you hear the term "Safe Church"?

For me it pretty much means a place where I can be me. A place where I don't need to play the game of "hide my feelings and pretend I'm doing okay". I'm a transparent kind of guy anyway, I don't mind people knowing whats going on in my life. I used to administer a 12 step program for recovering alcoholics and I always had a problem with the idea of being anonymous. My thinking was if I'm going to get help, I need as many people as possible to know about what's going on.

Anyway I would be interested in know what you think a "Safe Church" would look like. How should they respond to people? Do you think it's possible for a church to be a "safe Place"? How important is it to you? What would happen to the church as we know it if it became a "safe place"?

Click on "comments" below and talk to me.

Monday, March 3, 2008


The other day I received an email from a friend that ended with the following statement:

"Don't ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you aren't willing to move your feet."

My friend didn't know about any issues I was dealing with so he couldn't have intended to give me any specific advice. Little did he know however that his quote drove home a point that would keep me up the next night.

Christians often make a big deal about "Standing Firm". But sometimes we stand so firm that when it "is" time for us to move we're frozen in place. God wants us to be flexible enough to be able to follow his leading. He wants us to expect to move when we ask for His guidance. He wants us to understand that "standing firm" prepares us for movement.

We need to be ready when He is.

Friday, February 29, 2008


Any body who knows me, knows I'm a closet cat person. I have a cat and in my life time I have tolerated several cats.

I have this personal belief that a cat owner should never let his or her cat know that they love them. On rare occasions it might be alright to let them know you "like" them, but don't dwell on that thought for long.

Cats will take advantage of you if you're not careful.

I am constantly saying out loud, "I hate cats". Now I know better than to say it directly "to" my cat, but I make sure that she is within hearing distance when I spout my lack of affection for her. I'm sorry if that bothers you, but I'm just not willing to openly admit my fondness for felines.
My cat loves whatever I am drinking. I know that because the minute I leave the room, she tries to climb into the glass I'm drinking out of. She always spills it. It always runs over important papers and gets dangerously close to the computer.
This constant action of my cat reminds me of the devil himself.

As long as I'm paying attention to what I'm doing and keeping my focus on God, the devil is nowhere to be found. But just as soon as I drop my guard or turn around "BAM" he knocks something over that just spills out all over my life. It seems like I spend a lot of time cleaning up the messes that he causes.

It must have been Gods will that I have a cat. Cause that sneaky, know it all, fur ball is a constant reminder to pay attention to what I'm doing.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Okay, Okay, so I really wasn't "too stressed" about the big event! (don't tell my wife I said that). But even in the midst of all my worry, God was already planning one of the best events I have ever attended. We had a great crowd, wonderful food and lots of fun.

I most appreciated all the responses I received from my last posting on this blog site. You would have thought I was threatening to hurt myself, with the way people let me know how God works and that I wasn't a failure after all.

You know that is one of the reasons I write on the blog, to get people to talk about real issues that we all face. Issues that cause some of us a lot of problems. How we think about ourselves in relationship to God makes a really big difference in how we sleep at night and how we interact with those around us, especially those we love the most.

Do you understand what I'm saying? It's like whenever God and I are getting along, I seem to also be getting along with others. It took me a long time to understand that there is a connection between the two.

It relieves stress just knowing that I "can" go through life without being tied up in knots all the time. It helps even more to know that I don't have to be the one to untie them. God does that for me, If I'll only ask Him to.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Be Anxious for "NOTHING"?

It's four hours away from a big event down at the church. It's a great steak dinner with baked potato, salad, the whole works. Everything is in place. We have fantastic entertainment from Branson MO. Larry Delawder who has been in the Christian music business nearly all his life, he impersonates Barney Fife. Every thing is ready. But I'm a nervous wreck.

Now according to Philippians 4:6 I'm not supposed to be "anxious" for anything, but pray simply asking God to take care of things and thank Him for doing so.

I do that...I really do...but I still get this knot in the pit of my stomach, my mouth get so dry I feel like I've got a mouth full of cotton. I tross and turn and don't sleep well. All in all I'm a mess.

Now my problem is this...AM A FAILURE? I sure feel like it some times. I feel like I can't even trust God to take care of some old silly dinner. I trusted Him with my life, when I asked Him to come in and take control. I tursted Him when my kids went off on their own, I trusted Him when I made big financial decisions.

I guess I just need to keep on trusting right? I'll try.


1. If you're choking on an ice cube, simply pour a cup of boiling hot water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself.
2. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop.
3. Avoid arguments with females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.
4. If you have a bad cough, take A large dose of laxatives, then you'll be afraid to cough.
5. You only need two tools in life - WD 40 & Duct Tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD 40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the Duct Tape.
6. Remember everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
7. If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem.

Some people are like slinkies - not really good for anything but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs.

Alright maybe I shouldn't take credit something this bad, but sometimes these things just make sense.

I really like the Internet. I enjoy sending and receiving emails. Spam even interest me, but it's usually just junk and sometimes pure trash. But I can push the delete button as good as anybody.

I look at the Internet as a tool that God has given me to use. I can communicate with literally hundreds of people with the click of a button. I could never tell my story to that many people one on one.

I want to use it more effectively. I want to hear back regarding some of the comments I make. I want to challenge people to "think". I want to dare people to "tell me what they are thinking". The bottom line is I want to hear from you. I want to challenge you as a man to start talking to me on this blog. The only rules are to not be vulgar or intolerant of others. If you are easily offended then you might not want to be apart of this. It’s a gutsy kind of thing I’m asking you to do. Can you do it?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My Best Friend

I am an out going kind of guy and I have what I consider to be lots of friends. But not all of those people are what I would consider "faithful". I mean they are there for me "if" I call on them.
But I have one friend who is there even if I don't call. She stands beside me in all that I do when it's right and when it's wrong. We have been partners in ministry for 39 years but we have worked closer together as Police Chaplains that in any thing else we have ever done.

Last week she retired as an active chaplain with the Topeka Police Department and thy awarded her with a beautiful plaque.

God has blessed me in so many ways and second to blessing me with eternal life is the blessing of having ellen as my wife and best friend.

"I Sure Do Love her"

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I revisited the scripture today in Exodus 8:5-10 where God used Moses to zapp Pharaoh with tons of frogs. Not so bright Pharaoh then told his magic guys to do the same and they did. He repented of his ways and said he would let the people of Israel go. Moses said "find I'll give you the option of telling me when to send the frogs back into the water where they belong.
This Maroon Pharaoh said "tomorrow". Now how dumb is that. You got screaming women and kids up on the tables. You can't back your charriot out of the tent without running over frogs, they are in your bathtub, on top the T.V. The are driving the donkeys crazy and when you have the opportunity to get rid of them, you decide to wait until "tomorrow"?

What wrong with this guy?

Perhaps he just doesn't get it. Perhaps he just doesn't understand that God wanted to take all that was wrong with his life (frogs) and make it right. Sounds like a lot of folks I run into every day. It sounds a lot like me not too long ago.

I don't know about you but I want to get rid of the frogs in my life "today".

If you feel the same way, share it with me by clicking the "comments" section below and tell me about it. or you can email me at topekac1@cox.net

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Idea of Fun

I hope you don't think this too corny but my idea of fun is doing what I'm doing right now. I'm in the computer room (ex small bed room) pounding away on the computer and not using spellcheck. But what makes it so much fun is the fact that just three feet away right here in the same room is my lovely wife Ellen who is doing the same thing, except she is a much better speller.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Politically Correct

Do you ever get sick? I do. Do you ever get tired? I do. I even get sick "&" tired. After fifteen years of trying to be "politically correct" I have finally reached my wits end. Working with police departments policies and city government personality conflicts has made me a prospect for the funny farm. The only thing is, is that it's not really funny.

Political correctness must have been thought up by somebody who had nothing else to do but mess with people. Now I understand the intent of being politically correct and it's not a new idea. The problem in reality doesn't have anything to do with "politics." It has more to do with Godliness. It has to do with treating people honestly and not in a fashion that is rude.

I guess what bothers me most is that man has come up with the idea that treating one another is their idea. Then attach to that the idea that if we don't treat one another correctly somebody is going to be taken to court. The truth is simply this, if we don't treat one another with respect and honestly we'll have a court date with the highest court. God's court.

What does this have to do with police officers and fire fighters? Actually from my own personal stand point as a Chaplain it has to do with how and when I can talk to them about the most important way to manage stress. It has to do with their own personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

How about sharing you opinion of stress management and Jesus Christ? Let's use the blog to be honest and open with each other. The only thing I ask is that you not be rude and vulgar.