Monday, June 30, 2008

Some Things Are "Free"

I grew up in an time when the favorite statement of many people was, "There's nothing free". I actually thought that was the truth for a long time..... Then I came across the concept of "Love". Love is difficult to understand if you're an adult and lived long enough to really experience it, but for a kid love can really be confusing. Kids don't understand what love is and throw in there the idea of "tough love" and you can really mess up a kids thinking.

I wonder why it's so much easier to understand hate?

Anyway back to the nothing is free idea. Love, real love is free. Real love is unconditional and comes our way even when we are unlovely.

At the Holy Grounds Cafe we don't charge for our coffee, pop, bottled water, pastries and so on. People have walked away from our door because they just couldn't believe that things were "free" they are always waiting for the proverbial shoe to drop and to find out what the catch will be.

There is a scripture that tells about Christ standing at the "Door" of our heart knocking. So many people just walk away never answering the door afraid of what it will cost them if they respond. How sad.

I've learned a lot since those early days. There really are some things that are free.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Target Practice

There really is a place called "Holy Grounds Cafe" located in Topeka KS. It's a great place for target practice. Monday through Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm people walk by, getting their daily exercise. Little do they know they are also targets.

I have started setting my sights on them. For most of them I have less than 6 to 7 seconds to get off a shot. Some are slower and some even stop and are caught in my proverbial cross hairs. I have even tried setting up some interesting little distractions made to look like cartoon drawings that some unsuspecting walkers actually stop, read and allow me to spend time focusing on them in a more specific way.

Now don't go calling 911 and reporting some nut out at the mall.

You see what I'm doing is praying for people. I don't know their names, where they come from, what they do with the rest of their life or if they even have a life outside of walking in the mall.

I'm not sure who's getting the most benefit out of this practice of "Prayer Target Practice" me of the ones my prayers are aimed at. But I know one thing for sure, my prayers never miss their target and I never run out of ammo.

Do you have a creative way that you pray for people? Click on "comments" below and tell me about it.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


You can't imagine how many years I have waited to "Rest In The Lord". I have done all kinds of things attempting to ease my nerves but only one thing works for me. Simply reading Gods Word.

Lately I've taken the time to just sit down and read from the Bible. Sometimes it's in regard to preparation for an upcoming sermon, sometimes it's trying to study while looking for some great answer from God, but most of the time it's just a way of saying "hello to God".

The more I read at one setting the more peaceful I get. It's like crawling up in the lap of God himself. I love it.

When I find myself facing troubles that I just can't seem to get control of, I go to the book, not just any book, but "THE book" the Bible. The greatest resource ever provided for mankind. I have spent a ton of money on lots of books but it's only the Bible that really provides help.

If you want to spend some money wisely? But a bible.

Monday, June 9, 2008


No this is not one of my usual typo's, I really did mean to spell it "yeahbutt" It is a take off of the words "Yeah But". It is one of the most common used word, words, or phrases in the language of almost every nation known to man. Some people call them excuse words. It's another way for people like me to not stay focused on what needs to be done.

You see every time I realize what I need to do, I come back with this "yeahbutt" excuse. One that I probably used more than any other, was really just some lame excuse about being afraid. Now fear is something that many of us live with. I can show you a picture of me in a football helmet with face mask waiting in line to be pounded on. This was during Marine Corps boot camp back in 1966. I remember saying to the Drill Instructor who had just announced that I was going to be second in line, "Yeah But Drill Instructor Sir...". He quickly jumped back in my face and barked, "Ill yeah but you, now get in there." for the rest of the week he called me "Yeahbutt Martin". I wasn't to thrilled with that name, especially since it pretty much stuck with me the rest of my fourteen weeks of boot camp.

Here I am years later, all grown up with years of experience behind me and I'm still a "yeahbutt". When God gives me directions and I don't want to do what I'm supposed to do, I catch myself saying, "Yeah but God. I'm afraid", or 'Yeah but God, I can't do that", or "Yeah but God, what if...?" My main problem is pretty simple, I'm not trusting God to come through for me. I'm not trusting God to hold me up when I'm about to fall, or for that matter pick me up when I actually do fall. I afraid of falling period.

I have discovered that there is a way to graduate out of "yeahbuttism". Begin to spend as much time as possible with God in just reading his word. Not necessarily studying, just meditating on the greatness of almighty God. Learning to fall in love with just being in His presence.
It really works, you should try it.......Don't let the devil turn into a "yeahbutt"