Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Be Anxious for "NOTHING"?

It's four hours away from a big event down at the church. It's a great steak dinner with baked potato, salad, the whole works. Everything is in place. We have fantastic entertainment from Branson MO. Larry Delawder who has been in the Christian music business nearly all his life, he impersonates Barney Fife. Every thing is ready. But I'm a nervous wreck.

Now according to Philippians 4:6 I'm not supposed to be "anxious" for anything, but pray simply asking God to take care of things and thank Him for doing so.

I do that...I really do...but I still get this knot in the pit of my stomach, my mouth get so dry I feel like I've got a mouth full of cotton. I tross and turn and don't sleep well. All in all I'm a mess.

Now my problem is this...AM A FAILURE? I sure feel like it some times. I feel like I can't even trust God to take care of some old silly dinner. I trusted Him with my life, when I asked Him to come in and take control. I tursted Him when my kids went off on their own, I trusted Him when I made big financial decisions.

I guess I just need to keep on trusting right? I'll try.


Undersheriff said...

Hey Lee,
I wish I could be at the Church tonight it sounds like fun. I really enjoyed the service on the 4th when I dropped in on ya'll. My wife said if she'd known I was going to your Church she would have went to Topeka with me. When I get back to Topeka I will be at the Church if it's a Tuesday night.
This blog is a good way to spead the word, thank you for all you do.
Your brother in Christ,
Loy Henderson

Bob said...

Congratulations, Lee! NO you are not a failure. You are human. I do believe you trusted the dinner to Him, your human side just thought it had to worry. Been there...done that. When will we ever learn?

Anonymous said...

Hi, when we fail at something, the good thing is we find out what doesn't work and what we can do to make it work again the next time. I respect you and your ministry even though i am from overseas am not an American. Keep on keeping on. You are doing an awesome work! Thanks and God bless!

Todd Nince said...

I'm a natural born worrier...I think I get it from my dad's side of the family. Well, come to think of it my mom is a worrier too.

It's hard to put your FULL faith & trust in God even in the smallest of things. It's easy to say "Just trust God", but it's another thing to REALLY trust Him. It's a constant battle that I have to work at overcoming.

God always seems to work things out even if it's not always the way "we" thought it should be. I'm just glad He forgives me when I do get "anxious". He's always there, always in control of everything.