Thursday, March 27, 2008


Now I've been a minister for 39 years and I have heard a lot about "Vision". I've preached and talked even more about vision that I have heard. I have always gone with the idea that vision is all about the "church". You've probably read or at least heard the verse Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no vision the people perish". This was the verse that I hung so much of my belief on.

They say you are never to old to learn and I guess I'm living proof of it. Is it possible that this verse could also mean that when the individual has no vision he is doomed?

Now before you write me off as a some off the wall preacher dude read on.

As I see it, it's the church's job to give a vision to those who attend. The church is good about asking people to come "just as they are" but once they do it's then the churches responsibility to show them that God has a plan for them that goes beyond where they presently are.

The church is to see people through the eyes of God and see them not for what they "are" but for what "they can become". By doing this they will give them a vision of themselves that they have never seen.

So maybe the verse about people perishing if they have no vision is directed more to the individual than the church. I believe it's saying to the church that part of your job is to give people a vision of what God sees in them.

Of course the greatest vision that God has for any of us is that of being in His family. It's all about us coming from where we are to where God wants us to be. It's about us coming into a community (the church) and being directed into a personal relationship with Almighy God.

Todays question is: "What is your concept of "Vision" and how does it come into play with the church?

Click on "comments" below and tell me what you think?


Bob Heath said...

Lee, I think the "vision" idea is many sided. Yes, it applies to the church. In fact, how many times have I heard Proverbs 29:18 as the "proof text" for vision? Too many to count.

But...I believe, as you do, that people must have a vision to reach their full potential. And it is the Body's job to help one another to build or realize the vision God has for their lives.

But so must churches have vision if they want to accomplish what God has planned for them.

But so must businesses have vision if they want to be the financial success that they desire.

But so must a nation have vision if they want to stand tall and proud among nations.

To me, vision is the goal and the plans to reach that goal. For without vision, the people, church, business and nation fall. Some of those failures have earthly consquences and some eternal.

K James said...

Lee, for what it's worth, my Hebrew prof in seminary said that that the purest translation of Proverbs 29:18 is, "Where there is no clear proclamation, the people are scattered." Perhaps this was on the mind of Jesus as He saw the multitudes as "scattered" as sheep without a shepherd.

You are doing a great job...keep it up.