Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Praying Place

Holy Grounds Cafe is a place with a reputation, or at least one person thinks so.
I'm not sure who that one person is but they did us a great favor the other day. Let me tell you what happened:

Holy grounds had what I like to call two couples of "Frequent Flyer's" enjoying their morning coffee and usual fellowship. Today they brought a friend. Things seemed to be normal. Well except for the editor of the state denomination paper who came in to interview me which was way beyond normal but very exciting.

Anyway, then it happened:

In came a black lady in her early fifties and point blank asked, "Is this the praying place?"

Stupid me, I responded, "Excuse me?"

"I have a friend" she said, "who told me there is a place in the mall where they'll pray for you, so am I early?" "Do you have a group that meets and prays over people?"

"No, it's just me", I said.

"Well, I need prayer" she said as we sat down and she began to unload all the baggage from her troubled soul. Her problems where many and very complicated. As she rattled off a series of problems and difficulities, I almost got lost in just setting there realizing that God had directed this lady to me, so I could pray for her. I tried to introduce her to the Master in a personal way, telling her of God's love. But that wasn't what she wanted. She wanted me to "pray for her".

I prayed, she cried, she left, asking "May I come back again for more prayer?"

Of-course you know how I answered don't you?

Simply being available to do God's will has got to be the most exciting thing I have ever done, but then again it seems like something happens every day that tops what happened the day before.

I totally agree with the song that says, "everyday with jesus is sweeter than the day before."


Todd Nince said...

that's very very cool...

Carol said...

That is such a beautiful story! May God continue to bring you those souls that need praying over! What a sweet gentle spirit you have. Thank you for being open to the Spirit! :)