Thursday, June 12, 2008

Target Practice

There really is a place called "Holy Grounds Cafe" located in Topeka KS. It's a great place for target practice. Monday through Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm people walk by, getting their daily exercise. Little do they know they are also targets.

I have started setting my sights on them. For most of them I have less than 6 to 7 seconds to get off a shot. Some are slower and some even stop and are caught in my proverbial cross hairs. I have even tried setting up some interesting little distractions made to look like cartoon drawings that some unsuspecting walkers actually stop, read and allow me to spend time focusing on them in a more specific way.

Now don't go calling 911 and reporting some nut out at the mall.

You see what I'm doing is praying for people. I don't know their names, where they come from, what they do with the rest of their life or if they even have a life outside of walking in the mall.

I'm not sure who's getting the most benefit out of this practice of "Prayer Target Practice" me of the ones my prayers are aimed at. But I know one thing for sure, my prayers never miss their target and I never run out of ammo.

Do you have a creative way that you pray for people? Click on "comments" below and tell me about it.

1 comment:

debbiedragon said...

I've never thought about praying for random people, what a wonderful thing you are doing at the Holy Grounds Cafe!