Monday, January 14, 2013

Checking the Mail Box

I just came back from checking the mail box. Normally checking the mail would be no big deal but today it's note worthy.  The walk to the mail box across the parking was 120 strides.  My stride is approximately 30 inches, so if you double those 120 strides which would be a round trip to the mail box and back you come up with 240 strides times 30 inches per stride which would equal 7,200 inches from the front door to the mail box and back.  Now take those 7,200 inches and divide them by 12 inches in a foot and you discover that the mail box is 600 feet from the front door of the "Holy Grounds Cafe'" and I probably should mention that I made the trip without a coat and the temperature here in Topeka, KS., is 11 degrees.  Please don't ask why I didn't wear my coat.  Today there was only one item in the mail box, it just happened to be from the North American Mission Board in Atlanta GA. The item in the mail box was 8 sets of 6 prayer cards of people who represent the work of thousands of other people serving throughout North America.  The people on these prayer card are:

Ben & Shauna Pilgreen
Church Planting Missionaries
San Francisco, CA.

Peter & Irene Yanes
Church Planting Missionaries
Havertown, PS

Scott & Ashley
Church Planting Missionaries
Chicago, Il

Kay Bennett
Baptist Friendship House
New Orleans, LA

Victor & Candice Thomas
Church Planters
Burnaby, BC

Lorna Bius
LoveLoud Missionary
Aurora, CO.

One of the things we at the Holy Grounds Cafe' enjoy doing is praying for peoples needs.  The trip to the mail box today was a reminder that God has people all over the world telling others about His love for them and we here in Topeka KS. are part of that group.  Want to know more about Christ and His love you "YOU"?  stop by and we'll talk.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Much has been said about "Walking With God" The need is especially great as we desire to be more like him on a daily basis.  While it sounds relatively easy it is actually very difficult.  We can all walk for short distances but when it comes to daily walking with God we find that it's not so easy.  Somewhere there must be a simple plan.  Well at least I think it is a simple plan, it can be summed up in one word and that word is "Obedience".  Once we understand that daily and step by step we need to make sure we listen to God and simply do as He says we will find that our walk takes less effort. Getting into the routine of obeying our Heavenly Father every day in every activity and making sure we are spending time with Him, we will be able to say with confidence; in the heat of the day it's always great to walk in the coolness of the garden with Jesus.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 Just Might Be The Year

So what am I talking about? 2013 might be year of financial failure of our great nation. Or 2013 might be the year that we see Civil War again here in America. 2013 might be the year that Twinkies come back under a new name or 2013 might be the year that the Kansas City Chiefs become the best football team ever, hey don't laugh it could happen (in our dreams).  This year 2013 could be the year that Christ returns, I'm ready are you?

While all of these are possibilities and most will cause great challenges to our lives what I am really trying to call your attention to is that I am once again going to try my hand and blogging. "Holy Grounds Cafe'" is a blog sight where you can prop by each day and just chat.  I'll try my best to start the conversation and you and others can jump in anywhere, so here we go:

Question # 1 If the U.S.A. did find itself in a Civil War what would be the cause and why?
       (A). Taxes
       (B).  Illegal Aliens
       (C). Gun Control